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Orthopedic professional English terms
2022-09-22 10:15:23

*fracture n.骨折 

pathological fracture 病理骨折

fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折

*open fracture 开放骨折

close fracture 闭合骨折 

*comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折

compressed fracture 压缩骨折

shock n.休克

*deformity n.畸形

tenderness n.压痛

swelling n.肿胀

ecchymosis n.瘀斑

obstacle n.功能障碍 

*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征 

infection n.感染  

spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤

surrounding nerve 周围神经

*fat embolism 脂肪栓塞

bedsore n.褥疮

arthroclisis n.关节僵硬

ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死

ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩

*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎

hematoma n.血肿

*callus n.骨痂

heal n.愈合

*synovitis n.滑膜炎

*ligament n.韧带

*tendon n.肌腱 

* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 

*reduction n.复位

*bone traction 骨牵引

*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松 

fracture of upper extremities 上肢骨折

clavicle n.锁骨

*humerus n.肱骨

*rotation n.旋转

supracondyle n.髁上

blister n.水疱

pulsate n.搏动

thrombus n.血栓

*cancellous n.松质骨

*epiphysis n.骨骺

*injury n.损伤

*joint n.关节

stability n.稳定

ulna n.尺骨

radius n.桡骨 


bone 掌骨

bone graft 植骨

hemostasis 止血

*periosteum n.骨膜

tension n.张力

adhesion n.粘连

*skin grafting 植皮

*arthrodesis n.关节融合 

extrusion n.挤压

gangrene n.坏疽

pallor n.苍白、灰白

*amputation n.截肢

plaster n.石膏

paralysis n.瘫痪

bandage n.绷带 

hand trauma 手外伤

avulsion n.撕脱

*dislocation n.脱位

stiff adj.僵硬 

fracture of lower extremities and articular injury 下肢骨折与关节损伤

femur n.股骨

adduction n.内收

separate v.分离

cartilage n.软骨

*synovialis n.滑膜

*spinal column 脊柱 

fracture of vertebral column and pelvis 脊柱及骨盆骨折

column n.椎体 

cervical column 颈椎

*lumber vertebra 腰椎 

sacrum n.骶椎 

sense n.感觉

movement n.运动

reflect v.反射

*pelvis n.骨盆 

articular disclocation 关节脱位

congenital dislocation 先天性脱位

pathological dislocation 病理性脱位

*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎

*total hip replacement 全髋置换术

chronic strain of movement system 运动系统慢性损伤

strain n.劳损

*cystis n.滑囊 

*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎

*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿

degenerative adj.退行性变

multiply v.增生 

abnormal sense 感觉异常 

lumbago and shoulder pains 腰腿痛和颈肩痛

stenosed column 椎管狭窄 

osteoarticular purulent infection 骨与关节化脓感染

channel n.窦道

drill hole 钻孔

*drainage n.引流

osteoarticular tuberculosis 骨与关节结核

bone tuberculosis 骨结核

spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫

bone tumor 骨肿瘤

bone tumor 骨肿瘤 

*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤

*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤

chemotherapy n.化疗

*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤

human anatomy 人体解剖学

locomotor system 运动系统

axial bones 中轴骨

*bone n.骨

*vertebrae n.椎骨

*cervical vertebrae 颈椎

*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎

lumbar vertebrae 腰椎

*sacrum n.骶骨

coccyx 尾骨

atlas n.寰椎

axis n.枢椎

*sternum n.胸骨

sternal angle 胸骨角

sternal manubrium 胸骨柄

xiphoid process 剑突

*rib n.肋

*thoracic cage 胸廓

skull 颅

*frontal bone 额骨

*parietal bone 顶骨

*occipital bone 枕骨

*temporal bone 颞骨

*sphenoid bone 蝶骨

*ethmoid bone 筛骨

*mandible n.下颌骨

hyoid bone 舌骨

vomer n.犁骨

*maxilla n.上颌骨

palatine bone 腭骨

nasal bone 鼻骨

lacrimal bone 泪骨

inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲

zygomatic bone 颧骨

*coronal suture冠状缝

*sagital suture 矢状缝

*lambdoid suture 人字缝

orbit n.眶

cranial fontanelle 颅囟

tarsal bones and extremital bones 附肢骨

*clavicle n.锁骨

*scapula n.肩胛骨

*humerus n.肱骨

*radius n.桡骨

*ulna n.尺骨

carpal bone 腕骨

metacarpal bone 掌骨

phalanges n.指骨,趾骨

*hip bone 髋骨

*ilium n.髂骨

*ischium n.坐骨

*pubis n.耻骨

*femur n.股骨 patella n.髌骨

*tibia n.胫骨 *fibula n.腓骨

tarsal bone 跗骨

metatarsal bone 跖骨

arthrology 关节学

*articulation n.关节

*ligament n.韧带

*flexion n.屈

*extension n.伸

*adduction n.收

*medial rotation 旋内

*lateral rotation 旋外

pronation n旋前.

supination n.旋后

circumduction n.环转

*vertebral column脊柱

*thoracic cage 胸廓

*intervertebral disc 椎间盘

*temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节

*shoulder joint 肩关节

*elbow joint 肘关节

*radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节

*pelvis n.骨盆

*hip joint 髋关节

*knee joint 膝关节

*ankle joint 踝关节

musculature 肌肉系统

*muscle n.肌肉

muscle belly 肌腹

tendon n.肌腱

aponeurosis n.腱膜

*fascia n.筋膜

*tendinous sheath 腱鞘

trunk muscles 躯干肌

trapezius n.斜方肌

latissimus dorsi 背阔肌

erector spinae 竖脊肌

*sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的

*scalenus n.斜角肌

pectoralis major 胸大肌

intercostales n.肋间肌

*diaphragm n.膈(肌)

*inguinal canal 腹股沟管

*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘

head muscles 头肌

orbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌

masseter n.咬肌

*temporalis n.颞肌

*deltoid n.三角肌 *biceps brachii 肱二头肌

*triceps brachii 肱三头肌

*axillary fossa 腋窝

*gluteus maximus 臀大肌

piriformis n.梨状肌

*sartorius n.缝匠肌

*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌

triceps surae 小腿三头肌

*femoral triangle 股三角

popliteal fossa 腘窝

osteoarticular systerm 骨关节系统

*Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角

H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎

Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体

Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病

Schmorl’s nodule 施莫尔结节

Shenton’s line 沈通氏线

apophysis n. 骺状突

*arthrography n.关节造影

basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷

block vertebra 融合椎

bone island 骨岛

bursography n.泪囊造影

compacta n.骨密度

cortical porosity 皮质骨疏松症

craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝

*empty sella 空蝶鞍

endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生

*epiphysis n.骨骺

Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收

ivory vertebra 象牙椎

marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病

massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解

melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症

ossification n.骨化

osteopathia striata 纹骨症

*osteopenia n.骨质减少

osteopetrosis n.石骨症

osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症

pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部

periosteal reaction 骨膜反应

physis n.骨生长端

*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折

spina ventosa 骨气鼓

spongiosa 骨疏松

woven bone 编织骨

*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带

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