Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
Issued on April 24, 2015
Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China
(1984年9月20日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议通过 2001年2月28日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十次会议修订根据 2013年12月28日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改<中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法>等七部法律的决定》第一次修正 根据2015年4月24日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议《关于修改<中华人民共和国药品管理法>的决定》第二次修正)
(Adopted at the 7th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People’s Congress on September 20, 1984. Revised at the 20th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress on February 28, 2001. Amended for the first time in accordance with the “Decision on Amending Seven Laws Including the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People’ s Republic of China” at the 6th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress on December 28, 2013, and amended for the second time in accordance with “Decision on Amending Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” at the 14th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress on April 24, 2015.)